Dave Chappelle Directly Addresses Netflix Controversy In New Video, Won't Apologize
By TheBlast Staff on October 26, 2021 at 4:00 AM EDT
Dave Chappelle addressed the controversy that has developed over the comments that he made in his last Netflix special. Dave was quick to clarify a lot of the stories that have come out over the past few weeks. Particularly the ones revolving around him being asked to speak to LBTQ+ members of Netflix staff. Chappelle also gave his take on who was really to blame in this whole ordeal. The man who went to Africa after turning down 50 million dollars naturally blamed everything on corporate pressure.
Never Invited to Speak With Netflix Employees

As we mentioned Dave addressed this topic directly. Saying that he was never invited to speak with Netflix employees that felt offended by the comments that he made in his last special. It was reported that LGBTQ+ Netflix employees staged a walk out at company headquarters. In protest over Netflix's refusal to pull the plug on the special. On his part, Chappelle mentioned that he would've accepted the invitation to speak to these people saying,
“It’s been said in the press that I was invited to speak to the transgender employees of Netflix and I refused. That is not true — if they had invited me I would have accepted it, although I am confused about what we would be speaking about,”
Not Sounding Remorseful

Fellow comedian Jon Stewart did his best to offer an apology on behalf of Dave. Essentially saying that Chappelle meant no harm with the comments that he made in the special. While addressing this issue Dave was quick to point out that he wasn't going to apologize. Although he did acknowledge that the negative backlash that came about a result of his comments was certainly brought to his attention. Dave said,
"I said what I said, and boy, I heard what you said. My God, how could I not? You said you want a safe working environment at Netflix. It seems like I’m the only one that can’t go to the office anymore.”
Chappelle Thinks He's Trying To Be Silenced

As far as the "beef" between himself and the LGBTQ+ community goes Dave seems to think that there's no problem at all. He mentioned that the people that he knows that are part of the community have been loving and supportive of him. Instead, he sees this whole ordeal as an attempt from corporate America to try and censor him. He would go on to say in the show,
“I want everyone in this audience to know that even though the media frames it that it’s me versus that community, that is not what it is. Do not blame the LBGTQ [sic] community for any of this s***. This has nothing to do with them. It’s about corporate interests, and what I can say, and what I cannot say,”
Dave's Already Getting Censored

Ultimately, Dave revealed that he was already seeing the effects of the censorship that he was being subject to. Chappelle made a documentary called, "Untitled" that showcases what went on in the comedy shows that Dave put on during the pandemic in Ohio. Other comedians, musicians, and artists of all sorts were present at these shows. Now, Dave claims that all of the invitations that he had received from film festivals to showcase his work have been rescinded due to this recent controversy!
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