Alicia Silverstone Wants Apologies For Being 'Fat-Shamed' On Batman & Robin Press Tour
By TheBlast Staff on October 24, 2021 at 6:45 AM EDT
Alicia Silverstone took to TikTok recently to essentially post a reaction video to a post that a fan shared that was about her. If that line was a bit confusing, don't worry when you see the video you'll see what we're talking about. Silverstone has actually spoken out a couple of times now on the dreadful experience that she had while promoting Batman & Robin. The reviews for the movie from the start were poor. The negative press that she got over her weight was even worse.
The TikTok in Question

The original TikTok was posted by @foreversymone on the platform. She shared a picture of a headline from around the time that the movie was released. The headline reads, "A Weighty Issue". The article that this TikTok user is referencing actually compares Alicia to Babe the pig! Another movie that was popular at the time. Around those days there was also an article whose headline read, "Look out Batman! Here comes Buttgirl!". All of this criticism was getting to Silverstone when she was just 19 or 20 years old. Although she was a big star in those days, fame came at a price for Alicia.
An Equal Opportunity Movie

When you read old quotes you'd do well to remember that they come from another time. Still, some old quotes are harder to defend than others. In this particular case, the director for Batman & Robin, the late Joel Schumacher tried to defend Silverstone in the way he saw fit. He mentioned that she had lost around 10 pounds and was looking to shed more. He also had a pretty odd sense of equality saying,
"They’re roles where the audience gets to know them a little more intimately physically, That’s because Bat costumes are slightly less forgiving than body paint. As Batgirl, Silverstone will wear a skintight version of the Batsuit,” said Schumacher, "And like the outfits in Batman Returns, it comes with nipples. We’re an equal opportunity movie.”
Apparently, equality in those days was letting everyone have nipples on their suits.
Alicia Has Addressed The Criticism Before

Having your body type being compared to Babe the pig at 19 or 20 years old is probably something that'll stick with you. Silverstone, now 45 years old, mentions that she was always able to more or less take the criticism in stride. She at least did not allow those types of things to effect her mentally. She told The Guardian last year,
“They would make fun of my body when I was younger. It was hurtful, but I knew they were wrong. I wasn’t confused,” she goes on to say, “I knew that it was not right to make fun of someone’s body shape. That doesn’t seem like the right thing to be doing to a human.”
Alicia Is Still Very Active

Although Alicia hasn't necessarily had as much success in her roles after Clueless, as she did back in those days she's still very active. She's currently slated to appear in 4 upcoming movies that are either currently in production or have finished filming, but are yet to see the light of day. Silverstone hasn't been too picky about taking roles in direct to video films. Potentially, that's why she's managed to stay active. Who knows though she could pick up another major hit any day now!